Sunday, November 25, 2012

Mountain bikes are dangerous

So Mardy and a few other lads have made it a regular event to get the mountain-bikes out.

It's raised my fitness levels a bit and translates well into Motorcycle Trail Riding.

We have spills on occasion. 

Mardy was first down with an elbow wrenching fall that busted him up for months.

Matt was the next down with a flip over the bars that left him locked into his pedal and helpless.

We waited 15 minutes or so then went back to find him as mosquito bait.

I took his photo before helping out of course. You don't see that every day.

I had a high speed headplant over the bars earlier in the week.

Those foam helmets are pretty crap. My sunglasses saved me more than anything.

A rock poked right through the lense and gouged a strip of skin out of my eye.

Off to the hospital I went.

A few stitches later and I was leaking no longer. Had a bloody headache though.

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